Enrico Borghetto

Enrico Borghetto

Associate Professor

University of Florence


I currently hold the position of Associate Professor at the Department of Political and Social Sciences and the School of Political Science “Cesare Alfieri”, University of Florence.

I am one of the founders and principal investigators for the Italian Policy Agendas Project and the Portuguese Policy Agendas Project.
I am also coordinating the Jean Monnet Module REPLAN-EU “Implementing Resilience and Recovery Plans in Italy and beyond”.

Complete CV html, pdf


  • Legislative studies
  • Policy agendas
  • Comparative politics
  • Italy and Portugal
  • Data analysis
  • EU studies


  • PhD in Political Studies, 2007

    University of Milan

  • Degree in International and Diplomatic Sciences, 2003

    University of Bologna (Forlì)

Recent Posts

What do Eu think? Young people confront MEPs

On Friday, March 15, 2024, the event “What do EU think? Young People Confront MEPs” took place at the Polo delle Scienze Sociali in Florence. Democracy and the rule of law, climate change and environmental policies, foreign policy and the international situation, as well as energy and migration policies, were among the topics addressed by questions posed by students from the Schools of Law and Political Science at the University of Florence and researchers from Ponte Europa to three Members of the European Parliament.

PhD defence at Aarhus University

Recently, I had the privilege of serving on Edoardo Alberto Viganò’s PhD dissertation committee held on 2nd February at Aarhus University. In his dissertation, Edoardo delved into the intriguing dynamics of geographical representation in parliament, exploring the impact of electoral incentives and parliamentary procedures.

Parliaments in the Pandemic Workshop in Prague

Insightful exploration into the impact of the pandemic on parliamentary systems at the academic workshop, “Parliaments in the Pandemic.” Hosted by the Institute of Sociology, CAS in Prague, this event aimed to foster discussions, share research findings, and analyze the evolving role of parliaments during these unprecedented times.

Exploring the Boundaries of European Union Citizenship: the TrustEU Project final Conference

On November 7, 2023, Villa Ruspoli in Florence played host to a conference, marking the culmination of extensive research conducted under the theme “A ‘Union of Citizens’: Convergences and Divergences in the Legal Status of Various Subjects Regulated by EU Law”.

Digital politics - Opportunità e sfide per la democrazia

I had the privilege of participating in a thought-provoking conference held at the Social Sciences Campus on October 26th and 27th, 2023. This event was organized by the School of Political Science in collaboration with the Circolo Rosselli Foundation and received generous support from the Ministry of Culture.


(2025). Reform Agendas in National Recovery and Resilience Plans: Partisan Politics and Domestic Usages of Europe. Journal of Common Market Studies.


(2024). Coalition politics under exceptional exogenous constraints: the Meloni government during the EU-financed economic recovery plan. South European Society and Politics.


(2023). Do different parties respond to different problems? A comparative study of parliamentary questions across multiple countries. Journal of European Public Policy.


(2022). La capacità del governo in Italia. Un rafforzamento incompiuto. in Gianfranco Baldini and Andrea Pritoni (eds.) Il sistema politico italiano: cittadini, attori e istituzioni, Milano: Mondadori, pp.231:256.



REPLAN-EU PRIN - Explaining the formulation and implementation of Recovery and Resilience Plans in Europe: a comparative approach


Jean Monnet Module - Implementing Resilience and Recovery Plans in Italy and beyond


LEGITECH - Representative assemblies and technological innovation after the pandemics


ConstiRep: Constituency Service and policy representation in European Parliaments

Comparative Agendas Project

CAP - I am currently Principal investigator in two national cap teams: Italian policy agendas Portuguese policy agendas


An introduction to the R programming language

Master in Digital Transformation, University of Florence, a.a. 2022-2023


Dipartimento di Scienze politiche e sociali ( DSPS)