
REPLAN seminar - Pari opportunità di ripresa? PNRR e uguaglianza di genere

On October 19, 2023, the third REPLAN seminar on “Equal Recovery Opportunities: PNRR and Gender Equality” took place at Libreria Campus, located at Via delle Pandette 14, Florence. The event was organised in collaboration with Europedirect Firenze, Ponte Europa, EUI and Unifi CDE and was part of the Caffé Europa seminar series.

REPLAN-EU conference "Due anni di PNRR: tempo di un primo bilancio"

On 30 April 2021, the Italian government sent its National Recovery and Resilience Plan to the European Commission, taking the first official step in one of the largest modernization plans launched in Italy since the post-war period.

Guest Lecture at Monash University Prato Centre

I had the pleasure to give a guest lecture at the Monash University Prato Centre on NextGenerationEU and National recovery plans entitled “NGEU: What is important to know” inside of the course “The European Union challenges, crises and opportunities”

Third REPLAN-EU seminar: "Comunità energetiche, cosa sono e perché sono importanti per la transizione verde"

The third ReplanEU seminar within the cycle of seminars “Caffé Europa” entitled “L’Europa e il rapporto tra l’uomo e l’ambiente” took place on Thursday 17 November 17:30 at the Campus bookshop.

Start of the Jean Monnet Module "REPLAN-EU"

REPLAN-EU Implementing Resilience and Recovery Plans in Italy and beyond Link to the website The reforms and funds linked to the Recovery and Resilience Facility (RRF) within the Next Generation EU program represent an extraordinary opportunity for transforming member states’ societies and economies.